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Herb range

Cathay Herbal now has over 140 classic formulas that are mostly in the form of concentrated pills or tablets. We have a range of pediatric formulas that come as water-soluble granules. In addition to this we have a herbal liniment, cough syrup and mediacted plasters.

Cathay Herbal also carries an extensive range of granulated single herbs. These are available in bottles that contain a single recommended daily dose and are completely soluble in hot water.

Item No. PIN YIN English Name Info
318  BAN XIA BAI ZHU TIAN MA TANG  Pinellia & Gastrodia Combination  Dispersing phlegm, calming wind, strengthening the ... 
320  DANG GUI SHAO YAO SAN  Danggui & Peony Formula  Nourishes blood, regulates Qi, resolves dampness: ... 
321  GUI ZHI FU LING WAN  Cinnamon & Hoelen Combination  Regulates the blood, eliminates phlegm: for abdomi ... 
322  GUI ZHI TANG  Cinnamon Combination  Releases exterior wind-cold: for common cold, chil ... 
325  MAI MEN DONG TANG  Ophiopogon Combination  Nourishes stomach and Lung Yin, regulates the Qi: ... 
327  SHEN QI DA BU WAN  Ginseng & Astragalus Formula  Tonifies the Qi: for a variety of disorders with g ... 
329  SHU JIN HUO XUE TANG  Clematis & Stephania Combination  Expels wind-dampness, nourishes the blood, unblock ... 
330  SI NI WAN  Bupleurum & Zhi Shi Formula  Harmonises the liver and spleen: for stress, depre ... 
331  SUAN ZAO REN TANG  Zizyphus Combination  Nourishes heart and liver, calms the shen: for ins ... 
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